Nerja Taxis
Are the prices per Taxi/Minibus or per person?
All prices shown on this website are per vehicle and NOT per person.
How do I pay for my Taxi or Minibus transfer to Nerja?
Payment must be made in cash (euros) to your driver inside the transfer vehicle. If you book a return, you can pay each way separately.
I need a transfer within the next 24 hours. Can I book it online?
Yes but we cannot confirm transfer bookings out of office hours.
We have a Mercedes Clase-E and Volskwagen Caravelle.
Which terminal at Malaga Airport?
All European flights now arrive at Malaga Airport’s new terminal 3, although in summer, some flights are occasionally changed to Terminal 1. Your Taxi/Minibus driver will be aware of this and meet you in the right place on your arrival.
Are your Taxis and Minibuses fully licensed and insured?
Yes, all vehicles are fully licensed by the local Spanish authorities..
What if my flight is delayed?
All flights are monitored so your driver will be at Malaga Airport to collect you when you arrive, so that you don´t worry. If your flight is delayed there is no need to worry about paying costly waiting time as we will be aware of any delay.
Will my transfer driver help me with my luggage?
You don’t need to struggle with your luggage at Malaga Airport or your holiday destination, as drivers are generally always keen to help you.
Will all my luggage fit in the vehicle?
Generally, standard taxis can carry around three to four medium to large-sized suitcases plus hand luggage. If your luggage would exceed this, we would suggest you upgrade to a minibus, as it is illegal in spain to tie the boot of a vehicle down.
Yes, send a email to
How do we get from Malaga Airprort to Nerja in the Taxi?
After meeting and greeting your Nerja Taxis driver at the assigned meeting point in Malaga Airport, your driver will help you with your luggage to the Taxi/Minibus waiting just outside the arrivals hall. You will then begin the 60km drive from Malaga Airport to Nerja. The vehicle will be air-conditioned and good music. The travel is very short and the holidays start!!.
Can i book a return transfer in Spain?
Yes you can book a return transfer in Nerja Taxis form. We appreciate 24 hours notice, especially in summer.
Transfer Malaga Airport to Nerja
This is the journey from Malaga airport to Nerja in cab is very short. Our drivers, Miguel and Enrique are very lovely. Taxis cars have air conditioning and music. The journey from Malaga to Nerja will be the beginning of your holidays
Contact to Nerja Taxis
Booking office hours: Mon to Sat: 10:00 to 21:00 - Phone: +34 600 541 299
Email: contact[@]
Emergency: 24 hour emergency number on booking confirmation email
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Our Nerja Taxis office in Nerja